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Finding Harmony
Various composers

The King's Singers

Finding Harmony

Price: € 19.95
Format: CD
Label: Signum Classics
UPC: 0635212060728
Catnr: SIGCD 607
Release date: 31 January 2020
1 CD
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€ 19.95
Signum Classics
Catalogue number
Release date
31 January 2020

About the album

"Singing together binds us together. From the Protestant Reformation in Europe during the 1500s to the U.S. Civil Rights Movement, there have been countless moments in history when songs have united nations, cultures and causes. This is still the case in today’s world. Finding Harmony is evidence that music has always been our common language. A unique collection of pieces that span the globe – including music that’s too often forgotten – each song is the key to a powerful true story about who we are and how we’ve got here. Together, Finding Harmony proves how deeply we can be moved by all kinds of stories when songs connect us to them, and to each other."
Er zijn talloze momenten in de geschiedenis geweest waarin liederen mensen, culturen en idealen hebben verenigd, van de 16e eeuwse protestantse Reformatie binnen het westerse christendom tot de letterlijke hedendaagse betekenis van de kracht van de samenzang. ‘Finding Harmony’ is het levende bewijs dat muziek nog altijd onze universele taal is: “through music and particularly through singing together in harmony, there is always the possibility of an even better world”

Het nieuwe album van de King’s Singers verschijnt 31 januari op Signum Classics en onderstreept hiermee hun erfgoed van meer dan 50 jaar muzikale veelzijdigheid! Het album bevat songs van over de hele wereld die identiteit hebben gegeven aan mensen van wie hun cultuur of taal bedreigd is geweest, door de geschiedenis heen:

Van eeuwenoude Georgische polyfonie (inmiddels beschermd door UNESCO) die nog steeds generaties verbindt in de strijd tegen overheersing, Schotse traditionele melodieen uit de overlevering ten tijde van de 18e eeuwse Britse aanvallen op de Highlanders, tot protestsongs tegen het gewelddadige racisme tijdens de Amerikaanse Civil Rights Movement. De Afro Amerikaanse spirituals, kerk gospel songs, jazz en blues zetten kracht bij de vredelievende boodschap van Martin Luther King en zijn volgers. Maar ook Ariana Grandes recente hit One last time gaf kracht na de aanslag in Manchester, net als het Mexicaanse lied Cielito lindo gezongen door vrijwilligers tijdens de reddingsactie bij de aardbeving in 2017. Ook de vrouwenrechten en de schendingen daarvan worden door de King’s Singers bezongen in een lied dat synoniem werd voor het protest van de beweging #TimesUp.

De King’s Singers is één van ‘s werelds populairste vocale groepen. In 1968 geven zes net afgestudeerde zangers van King’s College, Cambridge, een concert in de Queen Elizabeth Hall in Londen. Dit debuut concert is de start van een carrière van meer dan 50 jaar en de vocale bezetting van twee countertenors, een tenor, twee baritons en een bas is sindsdien ongewijzigd gebleven. Hun Britse charme en muzikale vakmanschap veroveren wereldwijd de harten van het publiek. Naast de vele prijzen winnen zij twee Grammy Awards, een Emmy Award. De wereld mag dan in 50 jaar veranderd zijn sinds de oorspronkelijke King’s Singers bij elkaar kwamen, maar de missie om muziek te delen en mensen te inspireren blijft onveranderd.


The King's Singers

THE KING’S SINGERS have set the gold standard in a cappella singing on the world’s greatest stages for over fifty years. They are renowned for their unrivalled technique, musicianship and versatility, which stem from both the group’s rich heritage and its drive to bring an extraordinary range of new and unique works, collaborations and recordings to life. The King’s Singers’ extensive discography has led to numerous awards, including two Grammy Awards, an Emmy Award, and a place in Gramophone magazine’s inaugural Hall of Fame. Over the course of 2023, the group has released three diverse, collaborative albums that showcase the breadth of their repertoire. One marks 400 years since the deaths of two great Renaissance composers, Thomas Weelkes and William Byrd. Another celebrates their body of commissioned music, including...
THE KING’S SINGERS have set the gold standard in a cappella singing on the world’s greatest stages for over fifty years. They are renowned for their unrivalled technique, musicianship and versatility, which stem from both the group’s rich heritage and its drive to bring an extraordinary range of new and unique works, collaborations and recordings to life.
The King’s Singers’ extensive discography has led to numerous awards, including two Grammy Awards, an Emmy Award, and a place in Gramophone magazine’s inaugural Hall of Fame.
Over the course of 2023, the group has released three diverse, collaborative albums that showcase the breadth of their repertoire. One marks 400 years since the deaths of two great Renaissance composers, Thomas Weelkes and William Byrd. Another celebrates their body of commissioned music, including the six Nonsense Madrigals written for the group by György Ligeti (who would have turned 100 in 2023). And the third honours 100 years of Disney, with almost thirty brand-new arrangements of songs from its iconic films.
Growing the global canon of choral music has always been one of the group’s key aims, and The King’s Singers have now commissioned more than 200 works by many of the most prominent composers of the 20th and 21st centuries. These composers include John Tavener, Joe Hisaishi, Judith Bingham, Eric Whitacre, György Ligeti, Luciano Berio, Krzysztof Penderecki and Toru Takemitsu. All of this new music joins their unique body of close-harmony and a cappella arrangements, including those by individual King’s Singers past and present.
The King’s Singers were officially formed in 1968 when six recent choral scholars from King’s College, Cambridge gave a concert at London’s Queen Elizabeth Hall. By chance, the group was made up of two countertenors, a tenor, two baritones and a bass, and the group has stuck to this singular formation ever since that debut.
Alongside their demanding performing and recording schedule – with over 100 concerts worldwide every season – the group also leads educational workshops and residential courses across the globe, working with both ensembles and individuals on their approaches to group singing. To mark their 50th anniversary in 2018, they founded The King’s Singers Global Foundation in the USA to provide a platform to support the creation of new music across multiple disciplines, to coach a new generation of performers, and to provide musical opportunities to people of all backgrounds.




Play album Play album
If I Can Help Somebody
(Various composers) The King's Singers, The King's Singers
Ein feste Burg
(Various composers) The King's Singers, The King's Singers
Ne irascaris, Domine – Civitas sancti tui
(Various composers) The King's Singers, The King's Singers
One Last Time
(Various composers) The King's Singers, The King's Singers
Heliseb väljadel
(Various composers) The King's Singers, The King's Singers
Mu isamaa on minu arm
(Various composers) The King's Singers, The King's Singers
S’Dremlen feygl
(Various composers) The King's Singers, The King's Singers
(Various composers) The King's Singers, The King's Singers
Shen Khar Venakhi
(Various composers) The King's Singers, The King's Singers
Bread and Roses
(Various composers) The King's Singers, The King's Singers
Chì ma ni mòrbheanna
(Various composers) The King's Singers, The King's Singers
Puirt a’ bheul
(Various composers) The King's Singers, The King's Singers
Ayihlome And Qula kwedini
(Various composers) The King's Singers, The King's Singers
Nkosi Sikelel’iAfrika
(Various composers) The King's Singers, The King's Singers
This Little Light of Mine
(Various composers) The King's Singers, The King's Singers
Strange Fruit
(Various composers) The King's Singers, The King's Singers
Cielito lindo
(Various composers) The King's Singers, The King's Singers
(Various composers) The King's Singers, The King's Singers
One Day
(Various composers) The King's Singers, The King's Singers
show all tracks

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